SUEP Holds Symposium for Outstanding Youth Representatives in Commemoration of 100th Anniversary of May 4th Movement

        On the afternoon of May 5, a symposium for outstanding youth representatives to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement was held in the Report Hall of Student Activity Center on Lingang Campus. Dai Bing, the provisional deputy secretary of Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League, Xu Kai, the vice president and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of SUEP were invited to the meeting. Heads of relevant functional departments such as Publicity Department of the Party Committee of SUEP, Office of Student Affairs and International Liaison Office, as well as outstanding alumni representatives, excellent youth representatives and some backbone students participated in the symposium, which was chaired by Jin Fei, secretary of the Committee of Youth League of SUEP.

        Dai Bing pointed out that members of the Youth League should earnestly learn the spirit of the important speech addressed by President Xi Jinping on the Conference in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the May 4th Movement and inherit the spirit of the May 4th Movement. Xu Kai began his speech with the history of May 4th Movement, expressed his gratitude to the leaders of Shanghai Committee of Youth League and welcomed the outstanding alumni and youth representatives. Zhang Xianzhi, director of the Publicity Department of SUEP, introduced the current situation of SUEP from the aspects of school history, development goals and the promotion of school-running level. He hoped that the youth would carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement and establish the ideals and beliefs consistent with the theme of the times.

        At this symposium, the Committee of Youth League of SUEP tried to build a platform for dialogues among the school, alumni and youth for the first time, so as to seek the outstanding youth inside and outside the school.